A visit from the Food Network

Unbelievable development, particularly for blogging purposes. And, yes, this is a true story. Completely true.

Our runner, Ryan, just tapped me on the shoulder. “There is a guy from the Food Network outside the booth. They’re making food here today. He wants to know if anybody wants anything.”


Food Network marketing manager Michael Baru was the bearer of good news. (I think he was excited that his offer made me so excited.) The menu was pretty diverse, but here’s what we came up with: Five fish tacos (including Kenny, O’Neill and me) and a Chinese cold noodle for Audio Jim. Kay, Ryan reports, went with “the burger, of course. And fries.”

Ryan the Runner is a fast learner.

No one wanted a cheeseburger or the duck pizza. They had a much fancier name than “duck pizza.”

The Food Network folks scampered away to prepare our order. This will require a blog update, but probably not until after the postgame.


  1. a.iadarola@snet.net

    Kim, Can you please tell Michael Kay that Posada wipes his brow with the brim of his helmet. Thanks

  2. bdrvr757@yahoo.com

    As always it’s a pleasure to see you on the pre-game show for every Yankees game. Keep up the good work Kim, my brother and I love seeing you everyday

  3. jose.morel82@gmail.com

    Can you please tell Michael Kay, That Gartner is the worst baseball player I have ever seen. He has no arm and can not HIT the ball. He is not going to steal 30 bases, because Melky is going to take his job. Also, PLEASE have only Kenny, Cone and Paul do the games…

  4. jose.morel82@gmail.com

    Can you please tell Michael Kay, That Gartner is the worst baseball player I have ever seen. He has no arm and can not HIT the ball. He is not going to steal 30 bases, because Melky is going to take his job. Also, PLEASE have only Kenny, Cone and Paul do the games…

  5. shabs31@yahoo.com

    The crew screwed up the 4th inning trivia by posting that game’s lineup earlier in the broadcast. Did any of them notice it? Or were they too busy debating the duck pizza?

  6. bob15

    Hi Kim,

    What are the chances of slipping me some of that food when I come to the stadium??
    It’s nice you are beginning to get some press about your blog. If I had a blog, I’d want people talking about it too. But, since I don’t, I’ll just use yours! lol
    Good win today. Derek really is something. He will go down in history as one of the Top 5 Greatest Yankees.

  7. flirtygurly109@aol.com

    Hi Kim! Just wanted to say thank you SO much for taking a picture with me this morning before the game. It was such an honor to meet you and Suzyn, you both are such inspirations not only to me but for women everywhere who are trying to get into sports writing/broadcasting. It is great to see that women can be successful in a career that for so long was dominated by men. Thanks again!

  8. babyhuey58@hotmail.com

    hey kim did you go to the beach in florida if so please put some pics on your a smokin babe and the best on YES

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